article 1967 Kennedy, John G.

NubiansAfrica > Northern Africa
This document provides a theoretically-informed analysis of the cultural meanings and psychosocial functions underlying the traditional Nubian concept of supernatural harm caused to individuals in vulnerable states by other persons' violation of tabo...

Nubian zar ceremonies as psychotherapy
article 1967 Kennedy, John G.

NubiansAfrica > Northern Africa
This is an examination of the efficacy of a Nubian ceremony for curing mental illnesses through contact with the possessing spirits causing the symptoms. The discussion draws on information collected through a combination of direct observation of suc...

Circumcision and excision ceremonies
essay 1978 Kennedy, John G.

NubiansAfrica > Northern Africa
This study shows how the traditional ceremonies around male circumcision have all but disappeared while those for females remain largely unchanged. The girls’ rituals continued to be important events for families, neighborhoods and kin groups, despit...

Nubian death ceremonies
essay 1978 Kennedy, John G.

NubiansAfrica > Northern Africa
This is a description and analysis of Nubian funeral and grieving ceremonies. The ceremonies reveal a syncretistic complex of orthodox and popular Islamic practices with elements of ancient Nubian religious ritual. The author focuses on socially-expe...

essay 1978 Kennedy, John G.

NubiansAfrica > Northern Africa
This contains the references for the documents by al-Katsha (1978), Kennedy (1978 "Circumcision…"), Kennedy (1978 "Nubian Death Ceremonies"), and Kennedy and Fahim (1978)....

essay 1978 Kennedy, John G.

NubiansAfrica > Northern Africa
This contains photographs for the edited volume that includes the documents by al-Katsha (1978), Kennedy (1978 "Nubian Death Ceremonies"), and Kennedy and Fahim (1978)....

Tarahumara of the Sierra Madre
Book 1978 Kennedy, John G.

TarahumaraMiddle America and the Caribbean > Northern Mexico
Kennedy presents a descriptive ethnography of the Tarahumara of the Sierra Madre region of Chihuahua, Mexico. Kennedy adopts a cultural ecological theoretical perspective in his analysis of the Tarahumara. His subjects are drawn primarily from a GENT...

Struggle for change in a Nubian community
book chapter 1977 Kennedy, John G. & Fahim, Hussein M.

NubiansAfrica > Northern Africa
This study of socioeconomic changes in a government-planned village for resettling Nubian farmers in Egypt whose lands were submerged by the Aswan High Dam begins by providing a broad historical and ethnographic background. Comparison of living condi...

Dhikr rituals and culture change
essay 1978 Kennedy, John G. & Fahim, Hussein M.

NubiansAfrica > Northern Africa
This study compares aspects of orthodox Islamic, popular Islamic, and non-Islamic or “pagan” beliefs and practices as observed in two locations: a village in “Old Nubia” where local Islam was dominated by asceticism and ceremonies that often included...